Infant & Junior Schools
01692 580053 / / Old Yarmouth Road, Stalham, Norfolk, NR12 9PS
Being On Time
Being in school on time is a positive start to the day. It helps your child get the most from their education and inevitably leads to achievement and success.
Good time keeping means… being in school before the registration bell.
School starts at 8.30am for Juniors and 8.35am for Infants but we have found that opening the doors/playgrounds at 8:15am has made it easier for parents to get their children here on time. The teachers are on hand to supervise the children on the playground or in class at this time so they are ready to start learning.
Unfortunately, some children still arrive late for school and warning letters have been given to those parents whose child has been late on several occasions.
Please make sure you give yourselves plenty of time to travel and particularly to park your car safely if you come by car.
Children don’t like being late as they miss the start of a lesson, sometimes feel embarrassed, miss out on being able to talk to their teacher in the morning or they miss out on finding out what they are learning.
If your child arrives late on several occasions, you may receive a warning letter and be asked to attend a meeting with the school's attendance lead or other senior member of staff to explain the reasons for your child's lateness. The school will work with you in finding solutions if there are genuine difficulties. However, if lateness persists, you will be invited to a further meeting with the local authority's educational welfare officer (EWO) and the persistent lateness may well lead to the issue of a fixed penalty notice.