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School Uniform

On the days your child(ren) has PE, can you please ensure they come to school in their school jumper or cardigan and correct PE kit.

All school uniform is to be purchased on-line

When on the website, select Stalham Infant & Junior Schools.


Orders are placed in a queue until the 15th and 30th of each month and then delivered FREE to school. Orders placed from the 1st July – 3rd September will be processed through a home delivery service and standard shipping costs apply.

Please Clearly Label All Your Child’s Belongings!

Please Note: A watch and stud earrings are the only jewellery that can be worn. These must be removed  for PE and Swimming; if your child has difficulty in removing them themselves can you please ensure you remove them prior to your child coming to school.

Hairstyles and personal grooming should be in accordance with reasonable expectations, with extremes of fashion avoided.

Toys are not allowed from home into school as children get upset if these are lost or damaged.

Mobile phones are not encouraged. If they are brought into school, they must be handed to their teacher or teaching assistant prior to morning registration. Please note that the school do not accept responsibility for the loss or damage of the equipment

Purple V Neck
Polo Shirt (Infant School only)
Shirts (Junior School only)
Tie (Junior School only)
Black, Silver & Purple Stripe (purchased from the school office)
Grey/Black – no jeans/leggings/tracksuit bottoms
Shorts (Summer)
Grey/Black – knee length
Skirts/Pinafore Dresses
Grey/Black – knee length
Dresses (Summer)
Purple/White Gingham check
Sensible Black Shoes (no trainers, boots in school) Black, White or Grey Socks (not patterned) Black, Purple or Grey Tights (not patterned)
Indoor PE
Black shorts and polo/T-shirt of house colour. Plimsolls/clean trainers and change of socks
Outdoor Games
As indoor PE plus warm plain suitable tracksuit top and/or top and bottoms to change into when school jumper/cardigan is taken off
Football boots (no studs, unless specifically requested)/sturdy appropriate sports trainers
Football kits and non-school PE shirts are not acceptable PE kit.
Towel, Swimsuit/Trunks (no bikinis/Bermuda’s)
(Year 4 only)
Swimming Hat
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