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The Nursery shares a fantastic newly refurbished EYFS Block with the reception class. Allowing smoother transitions, ready for Rising 5’s joining Reception class in September. Close links between classes allows more peer interaction for the children.


We are a team of highly qualified members of staff, each with many years of experience in early years.


We cater for children aged 3-4 years and take up to 24 children during a session.


Our sessions are as follows:

  • Morning: 08.45-11.15

  • Lunch: 11.15-12.15

  • Afternoon: 12.15-14.45

These are charged at £9 per session and lunch club is £3 per day. 

Please use the following link to Childcare Choices to check eligibility for any funding -

To register your interest with our Nursery and to be placed on the waiting list please complete the form below. As soon as a place becomes available you will be contacted. 

At Stalham Nursery, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and understand that children learn best through playing and exploring. Children are given opportunities and experiences to try new things and develop their knowledge and understanding further.


We aim to give the children an at home experience by helping them feel safe and secure with their settling in experience with us.


Settling into our Nursery is a gentle process as we understand that this may be the first time that your child has been away from their family. We encourage short stay and play sessions for your child and yourselves to meet the staff and have a feel of what we have to offer. Parent partnership is incredibly important to both you and us when leaving your child with someone new. We involve parents every step of the way and encourage parents to become involved throughout their learning using our online learning journals, Tapestry.


We pride ourselves on our outdoor learning environment. We have a very well equipped outdoor area as well as a wooded area allowing us to explore and learn about the world around us, this is something we call Muddy Learning.


If your child is between the ages of 3 and 4 years, then please contact us to arrange a suitable time to come and visit.

Contact us on or 01692 580311

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